A payment plan for your premium

If you are struggling to pay your premium, don't worry as there is a solution for you. You can apply for a payment plan easily online so you can pay your premium in monthly instalments, rather than all at once.

This is how it works

  • You pay by direct debit.
  • You pay 2 amounts per month. One is for the payment plan and the other the monthly premium.
  • You pay at least €25 per month.
  • You don't pay any extra costs.

Easily apply for a payment plan in Mijn Zilveren Kruis

Your request is successful if:

  • You pay by direct debit.
  • The amount is more than €25.
  • You haven't had 2 payment plans cancelled by us in the last 12 months.

If you are unable to request for a playment plan online, reach out to us and we would be happy to help.

Modify or pay off the payment plan

If you would like to pay extra because you have some extra cash, or if you would like to reduce the amount you pay in instalments (the minimum is €25), or if you would like to add an amount to the existing plan, please contact us so that we can arrange this together.

Als de betaling even een probleem is, dan is er altijd een oplossing. Dat is fijn.

Suze (26)

Frequently asked questions

Sometimes bills pile up and you lose sight what needs paying. Having payments be late can be stressful. If this happens, please reach out to us as soon as possible and you’re not alone. Our employees are happy to review your situation with you and help you find a solution. Our help doesn’t cost you any extra or check out Geldfit.nl for independent advice.

If you are behind on your premium payments, you will not be able to cancel your policy or switch to another insurer, as this is regulated by law. Insurers exchange information with each other on late payments to allow them to implement the legislation. If your payments are up-to-date before the 1st of January, you can cancel your insurance.

We're sorry that we had to cancel your payment plan. Find out how your payment plan will be affected if you’ve received a 1st, 2nd or 3rd reminder from us. From the moment you receive a reminder from us, you’ll have 2 weeks to pay and this will prevent your outstanding payments from becoming more serious.

This is how you can reach us

088 462 11 00

If you have any questions, give us a call.

Working days between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Saturday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Information for administrators, curators and budget managers

Administrators, curators and budget mangers arrange their client's payment methods. Further information available in Dutch only.