Example letter RTI-students

You received a letter in Dutch. Find the translation of the letter below to help you understand what the letter is about.

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Name],

We received notice that you have come to study in the Netherlands. If you have come to live in the Netherlands with the sole purpose to study and not to work, you are not insured under for the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw)) and the Dutch Long-term Care Act (Wet langdurige zorg (Wlz)).

You may no longer be entitled to Dutch health insurance

As a healthcare insurer, in case of doubt, we are obligated to determine the right to health insurance. All healthcare insurers together with the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport have made agreements about this. You might have to stay insured in your home country.

Do you work in the Netherlands? Please send us proof of your insurance right within 4 weeks

According to law, we have to stop your healthcare insurance if we do not receive proof (evidence). Without this we are unable to determine your right to insurance. If you want to know more, read article 6.1 sub d of the Dutch Health Insurance Act.

Send your evidence no later than [date] to prevent us from stopping your insurance from [date]

Please note that your evidence is no more than 1 month old. The following evidence is valid:

  • A Wlz assessment from the SVB or posting statement (the quick Wlz-check is not valid proof)
  • A payslip
  • An employer's statement (download the employer’s statement format from determine your right to insurance in the Netherlands)
  • A benefit statement (Unemployment Insurance Act or Sickness Benefits Act)
  • A posting statement or A1 statement

Do you receive income from several countries or are you self-employed? Always send us a statement from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). You can request an 'assessment of your insurance position under the Wlz scheme' from the SVB.

The evidence must state:

  • The start date of your employment (this does not apply to the SVB statement or A1 statement)
  • How much income tax has been paid (this does not apply to the SVB statement or A1 statement)
  • At least 4 of the following characteristics so that we can recognise you:
    initials, surname, date of birth, gender, address, citizen service number.

Please make sure that compulsory information on the certificate is clearly legible. All other details can be made illegible.

Please send several supporting documents if not all the information is stated on 1 document

You can send us the supporting documents all at once.

You can upload the evidence on our website

Go to determine your right to insurance in the Netherlands to upload your evidence.
You can also send us a copy by mail to:

Zilveren Kruis
Antwoordnummer 10320

A stamp is not necessary.

Do you have any questions?

Answers to a lot of questions can be found at zk.nl/english. Do you prefer getting in touch with us? No problem. We have listed ways you can reach out to us on Service & contact.

Your sincerely,