I’m looking for a new GP
GP shortages varies per municipality. You can find the GP shortage areas in the dropdown list and you can be added to the waiting list as a 'GP Seeker' if the nunicipality you'er moving to is listed. This waiting list is of Achmea.
Do you live in Enschede and don’t have a GP?
You can go to the Thoen GP practice. Please note: unfortunately, you can’t register at this practice as it is only available for emergencies. In case of an emergency, you can call them between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on 053 430 86 55. More information about the location is available on their website huisartsenpraktijk Thoen. Please Register as a GP seeker, if you haven’t done so yet.
Register as a GP seeker
Unfortunately, no GP available in your area. You can be added to the Achmea waiting list as a GP seeker. We will let you know by mail you as soon as there is room. You can register via the online form Register as a GP seeker. Please note: we will only notify you and it's up to the GP to decide whether you can enrol as a patient at their practice.
Why is there no GP available?
Due to staffing and location shortages there are waiting lists or even a patient stop. GP’s often mention this on their website with the text: closed for new patients (gesloten voor nieuwe patiënten). GP’ sometimes make exceptions for newborns.
Stay registered with your current GP
This is to be ensured of care if you need it. Make an appointment with your current GP if it’s planned care, i.e. care that’s needed but not urgent. Ask if the appointment can be held by phone or video call to save you travelling time.
Order repeat prescriptions from your current GP and have them filled at a pharmacy in your new place of residence.
If it is an emergency situation, call 112 or any GP in your new place of residence and ask them if you can stop by as a walk-in. This means you going to a GP where you are not registered. The GP will charge a fee for this, known as the walk-in tariff which is higher than the costs for an appointment with our own GP. You will pay the costs in advance and claim them later. The costs are reimbursed 100%.
There are GP’s available in our area
Search in the Zorgzoeker by care type 'huisarts’ (GP) and your postcode to find a list of GP's in your area. Please note that you won't be able to see if the GP is accepting new patients. Check the website for their availabilty. If the website does not mention anything about availability, please call them to find out.
Find a GP in your area
Many GP’s will only take you on as a patient if you live close to the practice as they need to reach you quickly in case of an emergency. GP’s often work on a postcode basis to indicate whether you can register or not. You can register with the GP if there is availability, if not please fill in the form Register as a GP seeker.
Then please, look for another GP
Search in the Zorgzoeker by care type 'huisarts’ (GP) and your postcode to find a list of GP's in your area. Please note that you won't be able to see if the GP is accepting new patients. Check the GP's website for their availability, if nothing is mentioned call them to find out.
Not every GP will take on patients who want to switch
You can, however, contact any GP in your area to ask if you can switch. If you can, you can sign up there.
Do you have a complaint about your current GP?
Talk to your GP first and let him or her know that you are unhappy and together you can try to find a solution. If you can't reach an agreement, contact the complaints officer of your GP who will be able to guide the discussion between you and the GP. If this doesn't solve anything, you can contact the Complaints and Disputes Board for Primary Care (Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Eerstelijnszorg (SKGE)) or the National Healthcare hotline. Please note that they can't solve the problem as this is the responsibility of the GP practice itself. You can find more information on igj.nl. Further information in Dutch only.
Register as a GP seeker
Unfortunately, no GP available in your area. You can be added to the Achmea waiting list as a GP seeker. We will let you know by mail you as soon as there is room. You can register via the online form Register as a GP seeker. Please note: we will only notify you and it's up to the GP to decide whether you can enrol as a patient at their practice.
Why is there no GP available?
Due to staffing and location shortages there are waiting lists or even a patient stop. GP’s often mention this on their website with the text: closed for new patients (gesloten voor nieuwe patiënten). GP’ sometimes make exceptions for newborns.
Stay registered with your current GP
This is to be ensured of care if you need it. Make an appointment with your current GP if it’s planned care, i.e. care that’s needed but not urgent. Ask if the appointment can be held by phone or video call to save you travelling time.
Order repeat prescriptions from your current GP and have them filled at a pharmacy in your new place of residence.
If it is an emergency situation, call 112 or any GP in your new place of residence and ask them if you can stop by as a walk-in. This means you going to a GP where you are not registered. The GP will charge a fee for this, known as the walk-in tariff which is higher than the costs for an appointment with our own GP. You will pay the costs in advance and claim them later. The costs are reimbursed 100%.
Are you a patient at the GP practice Co-Med?
If you need GP care, you can find out where to go to on the dedicated webpage of all care providers. Further information is available in Dutch only.

Did you know there are online GP’s too?
The GP will first determine whether you need to come in. If it's unnecessary, you will have a (video) call appointment or an e-consultation. A surgery appointment is always possible.