Basis Budget
If you prefer an affordable basic insurance and don’t mind that not all hospitals in the Netherlands are 100% reimbursed, then Basis Budget is your best choice. The Basis Budget for 2025 will cost € 149.50 per month.
Calculate your premiumWhere can you go to with Basis Budget?
Choose from selected hospitals
The Basis Budget is 'naturapolis' with a limited number of selected hospitals. The selected hospitals offer quality care against the lowest price. There is always a selected hospital within about 45 minute drive. In most cases, even within 30 minutes. All treatments are reimbursed 100% in the selected hospitals only. These are fewer hospitals than available in our other basic insurance plans to allow us to offer you a competitive premium. For emergency care, you can go to any hospital in the Netherlands.
The quality of care in the selected hospitals for the Basis Budget, is the same compared to all hospitals with whom we have a contract. All the hospitals meet our quality requirements.
Do you have a refferal from your GP?
Check which healthcare provider offers 100% reimbursement.
This prevents you having to pay part out-of-pocket.
100% reimbursement only at selected healthcare providers
You will receive 75% of the average contracted for which we purchased the care (link in Dutch), if you visit non-selected healthcare providers. The rest is out-of-pocket. You are initially responsible for checking whether the costs are reimbursed in full. Please always check which selected hospitals are reimbursed 100% before you make an appointment. You can use the medical provider search tool (Zorgzoeker) and the overview of selected hospitals. Hospitals are also required to inform you that they don't have a contract and about the cost for treatment. Physiotherapist, chiropodist or an independent treatment centre is what we mean with other care providers. Please, keep in mind that the excess applies to most reimbursements.
Open the Zorgzoeker
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Some treatments are reimbursed 100% in any hospital
Receive 100% reimbursement in any hospital in the Netherlands for:
- Urgent medical care. Even when you are transferred from the emergency care unit to a non-selected hospital for a hospital admission. The follow-up treatments and check-ups following your emergency care in a non-selected hospital are part of this reimbursement. This also applies to emergency treatment as an outpatient within 24 hours after receiving the referral.
Receive 100% reimbursement in any hospital for:
- Treatments where you are referred to another hospital by a medical specialist for the same healthcare issue. You are referred because the medical specialist does't have enough knowledge and experience, or doesn't have the right medical equipment, treatment or operating rooms to treat you properly. The doctor at another hospital has these resources. This is called a tertiary referral.
- Midwifery care (hospital care during your pregnancy)
- Care for children under 18 years old. Your children automatically receive Basis Zeker if you choose Basis Budget
- Ongoing treatment that you started when the hospital was still selected for your Basis Budget, or a treatment you began when you did not yet have Basis Budget; you can complete this treatment
- A treatment that only takes place in a specific hospital. This is a WBMV product
- A treatment that falls under other healthcare products, such as oral surgery, lab tests, or X-rays
- A treatment in the hospital that falls under mental health care (GGZ)
- Prostate cancer surgeries. You can go to all hospitals with whom we have a contract for prostate cancer surgeries
- For transgender treatment, you will receive 100% reimbursement. In the Zorgzoeker, you can find which hospitals in the Netherlands specialize in this treatment
Good to know: if you referred to a non-contracted independent treatment centre or medical specialist who works outside the hospital, such as a home practice? Then this is considered non-contracted care, and we will reimburse 75% based on the average contracted rate.
The excess applies to nearly all reimbursements from the basic insurance. Check the complete insurance terms and conditions, as they always apply.
The mandatory excess applies to most reimbursements covered by basic insurance, including terms and conditions. Check the complete terms and conditions in advance.
Frequently asked questions
Why did I receive a bill from the hospital?
You had treatment in at a hospital not selected for the Basis Budget. We will reimburse up to 75% of the average contracted rate for this treatment. This is stated in the Basis Budget policy terms and conditions.
How could I have known that the hospital wasn’t selected?
The selected hospital in my area has a waiting list. Or the selected hospital doesn’t have the outpatient treatment I need. What do I do?
If I get admitted to an emergency room at a non-selected hospital, do I need to be transferred as soon as I am no longer in critical condition?
No, you don’t. If you have been admitted to a non-selected hospital for urgent medical care, then these costs will be covered by the reimbursement for urgent medical care. This also applies to any follow-up treatments and check-ups in the non-selected hospital after your visit to the emergency room, or for an outpatient emergency treatment within 24 hours of your referral.