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How Contact details
By phone 071 367 09 95
Mon. to Fri. 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Via complaint form File complaint (in Dutch only)
Via post Klantsignaalmanagement
Antwoordnummer 2241

A stamp is not necessary.
Please don’t forget your personal details and a phone number.

You will hear from us soon

We will respond to your complaint within 5 working days. If more time is required to deal with your complaint, we will inform you.

You have a complaint about your premium debt

Have you received a letter that you are more than 4 months behind on your premium and feel that your premium is incorrect? Please send your objection in writing to our 'Klantsignaalmanagement' department. Your written objection has to be received within 4 weeks following receipt of this letter. If you haven't received a written reaction, we won't report you to the Zorginstituut Nederland.

You can apply for a reassessment

If you think we made the wrong decision and would like us to review your complaint again, please request a reassessment by sending us a letter. Alternatively, you can fill in the online complaint form (in Dutch only). Please explain as clearly as possible why you believe we were mistaken, and another colleague will look at your complaint again. We will contact you within 5 working days to discuss everything and what we can do for you.

Does our reassessment fail to meet your expectations?

You can ask Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Zorgverzekeringen (SKGZ) to reassess your complaint. They assist in resolving issues between policyholders and their health insurance providers. You can submit your complaint through, or you can call them at 088 900 6900. Please note that the SKGZ will not assist you if your complaint is currently being handled or has been ruled on by a judicial authority. For more information, check out the ODR-platform.

You can always go to civil court

Even after the SKGZ has given binding advice. In this case, the judge will only review the procedural aspects of the complaint. For more information, visit, where you can also find out which court you should go to.