Cancelling your healthcare insurance

When you move abroad, your Dutch healthcare insurance is often no longer valid. How you can insure yourself depends on your income and the country you are moving to.

In some situations you can switch mid-term

When you have a new employer or when you enter military service for example. Find out below in which situations you can cancel mid-term and what you have to do. If none of these situations apply to you, then you can cancel from the 1st of January. Should you have any further questions then please call 071 751 00 51 on working days from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

I wish to cancel the insurance of my child who is turning 18

When your child turns 18, they can take out their own insurance. This also applies to co-insured children over the age of 18.

Read more about changes in the insurance when my child turns 18 (in Dutch only). Or login with DigiD and SMS code via Mijn Zilveren Kruis to cancel (in Dutch only).

I have a new employer in the Netherlands

You have to find another collective insurance if you are self-employed or had a collective insurance via your previous employer.

  • Does your new employer have collective insurance with another insurer? You can switch insurers.
  • Does your new employer not have a collective insurance? You stay insured with us until 1 January. The premium is higher as the collective lapses.

For personal advise contact: 071 751 00 51. Our employees are available on weekdays between 8.30 a.m. and 6 p.m. 

I wish to cancel as the policy terms and conditions have been modified

You can cancel your insurance mid-term when Zilveren Kruis modifies the premium or terms and conditions to your disadvantage.
Is the modification from article 11 up to 14 of the Healthcare Insurance Act then you cannot cancel mid-term.

We always inform you if the policy terms and conditions change. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this. If you wish to cancel, then you have to do before the changes take place.

By phone
071 367 04 00
On weekdays between 8.30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Wish to modify something in your insurance?
Go to modify your insurance package and modify your insurance easily via Mijn Zilveren Kruis or via our modification form.

I'm getting a divorce
If you are the policy holder, you can always cancel the health insurance of your (ex-)partner and children. We do need permission of your (ex-)partner. If you are not a policy holder, you can apply for health insurance with Zilveren Kruis or any other health insurance company for yourself and your children.
I wish to cancel the insurance of a deceased

You don’t need to cancel the deceased’s healthcare insurance. We will receive notice of death via the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP (Basis Registration of Persons)). The healthcare insurance will automatically stop. You don’t have to worry about that. The premium and excess are calculated prorate. And if necessary, we will reimburse you. So you don’t have to do a thing.

Cancel supplementary or dental insurance only
We don’t receive a notice of death from BRP when the deceased only had supplementary or dental insurance with us. You can cancel the separate supplementary or dental insurance via our cancellation form.

Modify postal address and other details after a death
Would you prefer to receive the deceased’s mail at a different address? Please contact our customer services at 071 751 00 51 between 8.30 a.m. and 6 p.m. 

Cancel travel insurance
We don’t receive a notice of death from BRP when the deceased only had travel insurance with us. You can cancel the travel insurance by contacting our Travel Insurance customer services at 071 364 14 10. They are available on weekdays between 8.30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

I’m entering military service

When you enter military service you have to cancel your healthcare insurance. Active duty military receive a mandatory healthcare insurance via the Ministry of Defence.

Written cancellation
Zilveren Kruis Achmea
Postbus 444

State in your letter:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your address
  • Your phone number
  • Cancellation applies to policyholder, co-insured or both
  • Your insurance number
  • The date you wish to cancel
  • The reason for cancelling

Note: if no date or reason is mentioned we will cancel your insurance from 1 January.

You can cancel from the 1st of January

We will be sad to see you go. Inform us of your cancellation before the 31st of December. Do you wish to only cancel your supplementary or dental insurance? Then you can do so up to the 1st of January. Cancel or modify your supplementary insurance via our customer services.

If you cancel your basic insurance from the 1st of January, then you have to have a new insurance starting from the 1st of February. This insurance will then start from the 1st of January. The new basic insurance will be effective from the 1st of January to avoid an uninsured period.

Please note: you cancel your insurance in Mijn Zilveren Kruis (in Dutch only).

Modify my insurance

Please note: do you have outstanding premium? Changing insurances is not possible. This is determined by law (in Dutch only).

Your insurance no longer suits your situation?

We would like to help you with the choice of your healthcare insurance. There are different possibilities. Insure yourself with a competitive insurance if your employer has an agreement with us. Or maybe the Zilveren Kruis ZieZo insurance (in Dutch only) suits you better.

Collective discount and extra benefits

We have made many agreements with employers and member organisations. Are you a member of a sports club, branch organisation or are you ‘ZZP’er’ (self-employed)? Check whether you are entitled to collective advantages.